
About Serenity Deals

With an ever-shifting technological landscape comes unexpected challenges that require constant adaptation. That’s why Serenity Deals is here to ensure that you never feel left behind as your business scales with its customers.

We’re a global leader in knowledge, experience, and quality sales deals.

Our team is obsessed with achieving the highest standards possible and won’t rest until we’ve helped your business unlock its greatest potential. Serenity’s founding members are all leading industry professionals who saw more potential in independent CRM consulting than anything they could achieve working under one industry model. Here, we understand that the future of CRM software is cloud-based, not site-based, so let us seamlessly transition you into tomorrow with Salesforce 360.

Service and Support for Any Case

Not only are all of our developers Salesforce-certified, but we offer a unique blend of development, implementation, and ongoing support tailored to your individual needs. We are a team that’s passionate about making technology work for us instead of implementing systems that bog down our creativity and make our lives more complicated than they ever needed to be. Think of us as business consultants who are here to streamline your sales processes and customer relations while allowing your employees to do what they do best – build relationships.

Take Your Business

to the Next Level

Don’t waste another minute letting expensive, outdated software sap your workforce. Generate more leads, close more deals, retain more customers, and allow your business to grow with you, instead of holding you back. So bring your business into the 21st century and let us help you by offering seamless software transitions that will save you years of headaches. Whether you’re focused on manufacturing, banking, finance, technology, or retail, we’ve got you covered with empowered, compassionate team members who will be available through every step of your implementation process.
